Azna stone shop
Beautiful, durable and quality stones can be obtained from Iran Seram online store as one of the suppliers of Azna stones. The high resistance of these types of stones makes them suitable for use in wet environments and spaces that require constant washing.Rare stones such as Azna Chinese slabs are among the stones that can be procured from Iran Seram. The stones offered in Azna stone shop are often produced as slabs. Stone production in this way is cost-effective and makes the final price of the stone lower.The stones that are sold in this Azna stone department in Seram Iran are comparable in terms of quality and structure to similar and foreign types. Among the characteristics of Azna stone, we can mention the following: Structurally, Azna stone has high cohesion and density, it has high sandability and can be cut and shaped easily, the resistance of this type of stone is very high. The water absorption of this type of stone is minimal and very insignificant, it has a more reasonable price than similar samples, and it has the ability to create book match and form match.
Azna slab stone
Azna slab stone is one of the best locally produced stones in the market, which can be matched with most decorations due to its white color with streaks of black and gray lines. Azna slab stone is in the category of Chinese stones and it is extracted from stone mines around Durood city located in Lorestan province. Among the features of Azna slab stone, we can mention its extraordinary transparency, high density, dazzling light reflection, resistance to pressure and impact, low absorption of moisture and having a beautiful, attractive and unique color spectrum. According to the characteristics of Azna slab stone, it can be used as flooring and wall covering for different parts of the building, including the bathroom, reception, exterior of the building and so on. ... usedAzna slab stone is in the category of luxury building stones, which is considered a suitable option for purchase due to its reasonable price compared to foreign samples. Dear ones, you can accompany us in Iran Seram to know the price of Azna slab stone and contact our experts if you have any questions about Azna slab stone.
Azna stone price
The stones produced by the slab method have different prices. This price difference is caused by various factors that together determine the final price of Azna stone. Among these factors, the following can be mentioned: The size of the stone is one of the important factors in its price. Stones with greater thickness, length and width have a higher price, the type of stone selected (some stones are more rare and therefore sold more expensive), the more the costs of extraction and exploitation of the stone mines in question, If it is more, its price will also increase, stones with book match and form match capabilities have a higher price, and also transportation costs affect the final price of the stone.